News & Results

Colwyn Bay AGM 2023


Colwyn Bay AGM 2023


Colwyn Bay AC will be holding their AGM on Tuesday 25th April at 6.30pm.

The AGM will be held in the Crafnant Suite, one of the rooms overlooking the Track at the leisure centre at Eirias.

In order to keep our club progressing and strengthening from year to year it is vital that as many members/parents/supporters attend as possible. The AGM will be an opportunity to see how Colwyn Bay AC has been developing over the past year, club plans for the year ahead to have your say with any ideas or suggestions.

The AGM also gives an opportunity for any interested parties to volunteer for one of the roles which are required to ensure the smooth running of the club; positions such as secretary, chair, treasurer. welfare officers, athlete representatives etc.

For those who are keen to get involved but who may be worried about whether they can commit to a designated role, we always welcome parents/athletes that would like to join the committee as a general volunteer.

The Following roles are: -


Vice Chairperson


Membership Secretary

Team Manager


Female Welfare Officer

Male Welfare Officer

Athlete Rep

Communications/Press Officer

Officials Coordinator

If there are any nominations for the roles, please email the club – [email protected] or speak to one of the committee members on a training night


If anybody would like any further information please feel free to make contact beforehand. We look forward to seeing you on the 25th April