Phil Jones Senior Obituary

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing, last weekend, of former Colwyn Bay AC Chairman and coach Phil Jones Snr.
Like many parents, Phil started out on his athletic journey in the mid 1980’s when his 3 children starting competing for the club. With a passion for sprinting (himself a former sprinter) he was mentored initially by the late Eileen Haskings and following this, established himself as a well-respected sprints and hurdles coach throughout Wales for over 3 decades.
During this period, he coached numerous sprinters and hurdlers at the club, many of whom went on to become both Welsh Junior / Senior Champions and Welsh team representatives. With a passion for coaching, he also mentored new and upcoming coaches providing them with the skills and knowledge required and provided mentorship to many a budding coach.
His coaching credentials led him to become part of regular Welsh squads performing roles such as team sprint coach, team manager and a member of welsh team selection committees.
In addition to his coaching, he was also a highly qualified timekeeper officiating at many national & regional championships and local league and open meetings.
Within the club Phil held many roles over the years, which included coach, team manager, official, welfare officer and chairman dedicating many hours to help athletes within the local community and providing them with an opportunity to develop and progress their talent within the sport.
As a reward for his services to athletics in Wales he was awarded the Welsh Athletics Meritorious Award in 2011.
As Covid struck, Phil decided to retire from athletics and it was during this time that unfortunately he was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia. He fought the condition bravely and positively and always kept his sense of humour throughout and towards the end of his life he wanted to make an emotional last trip back to the club to see the newly refurbished track. His words were simply “absolutely wonderful” and “I love it”.
Those words perfectly summed up his passion for the sport of athletics.
He leaves behind his wife Kathleen, Children Philip, Suzanne and Victoria and his Grandchildren Lauren, Bethan, Bryony, Molly and Grace.
On behalf of the club we pass on our sincere condolences to his family and details regarding Phil’s funeral will be confirmed in due course.